- Doreen Rao with Bill Perison. Circle of Sound Voice Education: A Contemplative Approach to Singing Through Meditation, Movement and Vocalization. New York: Boosey & Hawkes, 2004.
- Doreen Rao. We Will Sing! Choral Music Experience for Classroom Choirs. New York: Boosey & Hawkes, 1994.
- Doreen Rao. We Will Sing! Choral Music Experience for Classroom Choirs, Performance Programs: One, Two and Three. New York: Boosey & Hawkes, 1995.
- Doreen Rao. Teaching and Learning Through Choral Music Experience. New York: Boosey & Hawkes, 1991.
- Doreen Rao. The Art in Choral Music. New York: Boosey & Hawkes, 1990
- Doreen Rao. Choral Music for Children’s Chorus: An Annotated Guide. Reston: Music Educators Conference (MENC), 1990.
- Doreen Rao. (co-author). SING! Choral Textbook for Secondary School Music. Houston: Hinshaw Music, 1987.
- Doreen Rao. Artistry in Music Education. New York: Boosey & Hawkes, 1987.
- Doreen Rao. The Artist in Every Child. New York: Boosey & Hawkes, 1988.
- Doreen Rao. Developing the Young Singing Voice. New York: Boosey & Hawkes, 1987 (fifth printing).
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Series, Collections, Chapters and Forewords
- Doreen Rao’s Choral Music Experience Series
New York: Boosey & Hawkes, New York, London, Bonn.
- Doreen Rao. Choral Music Experience Anthology, Books 1, 2 and 3. London: Boosey & Hawkes Music Publishers Ltd., 1998.
- Doreen Rao. CME Concert Collections, Vol. 1 and Vol. 2. New York: Boosey & Hawkes, 1995.
- Erkki Pojhola, The Tapiola Sound. (Foreword by Doreen Rao). Ft. Lauderdale: Walton Music, 1993.
- Toward a Description of Musical Experience. Bennett Reimer, ed. “Thomas Clifton on Musical Experience”. Greely: Northern Colorado Press, 1992.
- “The Child Voice.” (teacher reference guide by Doreen Rao). Englewood Cliffs: Silver Burdett Music, 1988.
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- “A Portrait of Research on Singing.” NATS.
- “Beyond Polarity: A Personal Tribute and Commentary on Music Education in the Twenty-First Century.” Music Educators Journal.
- “Connection Over Combat: Distinguishing and Linking Philosophies of Music Education.” Crime Bulletin.
- “The Multidimensional Nature of Singing.” Journal of Aesthetic Education.
- “Children’s Choirs: A Revolution from Within.” Music Educators Journal. Vol. 80, No. 3, (November 1993).
- “Choral Music Education in North America.” International Federation for Choral Music Bulletin. (January, 1993).
- “Musical Performance and Music Education.” (with David Elliott), Design for Arts in Education. Vol. 91, No. 5, (May/June 1990).
- “The Children’s Choir: A Democratic Ideal.” Utah Music Educator. Vol. 35, No. 2, (Winter 1990).
- Guest Editor for Special Issue of The Choral Journal, Vol. 29, No. 8, (March 1989).
- “Children and Choral Music: The Past and the Present: The Challenge and the Future.” The Choral Journal, Vol. 29, No. 8, (March 1989).
- “Who Will Sing and Who Will Listen in 2010?” A Special Publication of the American Choral Foundation, 1986.
- “Choral Singing and Musical Experience: Developing the Artist in Every Child.” Kodaly Envoy, (Spring 1986).
- “Selected Repertoire for Children’s Chorus and Orchestra.” Research Memorandum Series 142, The American Choral Foundation, (August 1986).
- “Children’s Treble Voices: Interview with Sir David Willcocks.” The Choral Journal, (December 1982).
- “Beyond the Brightness: A Position Paper on Junior High School Choral Music.” The Choral Journal,( November 1982).
- “Choral Singing: Opportunity for Excellence.” California Music Educators Journal, (May/June 1982).
- “Children and Choral Music in Illinois.” The Conductor’s Podium, Illinois Choral Directors, (December 1981).
- “The Selection of Significant Choral Music for Children’s Voices.” Choristers Guild Newsletter, (February 1981).
- “The Children’s Chorus: Instrument of Artistic Excellence.” The Choral Journal, (March, 1980).
- “Choral Music in the School Curriculum: Commitment Beyond the Casual.” The Illinois Music Educator, (Winter, 1979).
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- Doreen Rao, “Craft, Singing Craft and Musical Experience: Philosophical Study with Implications for Vocal Music Education.” Ph.D. diss., Northwestern University, 1988.
Choral Editing and Arranging: Boosey & Hawkes Inc.
- Doreen Rao’s Choral Music Experience Series, New York: 1986 - Present.
A comprehensive choral music curriculum developed for choral music in education, comprised of eight separate choral series. This choral music series includes 1000+ octavos and extended works featuring Canadian, American, British, Latin American, and European composers and arrangers.
- Choral Music Experience (Children and Youth Treble Choirs)
Selected composers and arrangers include: Leonard Bernstein, Derek Holman, Gary Kulesha, Imant Raminsh, Francisco Nunez, David Brunner, Larysa Kuzmenko, Walter Buczynski, John Burge, Robert Harris, Kathy Armstrong, David Elliott, Rupert Lang, Rob Hugh, Paul Read, Lori-Anne Dolloff, Daniel Brewbaker and Robert Kyr.
- Conductors Choice, Dr. David Brunner, advisor
(SATB Choirs, Secondary, College and University Choirs)
An artistically distinguished repertoire of selected choral music for high school, college, and community choirs. Selected composers and arrangers include: David Brunner, Wayland Rogers, Imant Raminsh, Ruth Watson Henderson, Stephen Hatfield, Charles Collins, Lee Kesselman, Gary Kulesha, Milos Raickovich, Philip Hagemann, Daniel Brewbaker.
- Building Bridges, Marguerite McCormick, advisor
(Middle School and Developing Choirs/Multicultural)
Aimed for developing choirs, this series features an educationally valuable, culturally diverse choral repertoire to motivate and inspire continued musical development through the transition years. Selected composers and arrangers include: Stephen Chatman, Stephen Hatfield, Nick Page, Alan Naplan, Barbara Baker, Lee Kesselman, David Brunner.
- Latin Accents, Dr. Janet Galvan, advisor
(Latin American Choral Music)
This innovative and comprehensive series is designed to broaden the student’s knowledge of authentic Latin American folksong styles containing Indian, Arabic, African, Hispanic and European influences. Selected composers include: Tony Guzman, Francisco Nunez, Stephen Hatfield and others.
- Holiday Lights
(for celebration and service)
For holiday festivals, liturgical use, or concert stage, this versatile series will empower the singers, honour the public, and celebrate the season in style. Selected American, Canadian, British and European composers and arrangers writing for concert and ceremony.
- In High Voice, Dr. Sandra Snow, editor & advisor
(Women’s Choir)
This series features an exciting and expressive repertoire for high school collegiate and community women’s choirs. Selected choral classics, serious contemporary works and world music repertoire for treble voice choirs of all levels and abilities.
- Opera Workshop, Emily Ellsworth, advisor
(Theatre, Opera and Oratorio for Young Choirs)
A series of dramatic inspired works developed to encourage interactive musical experiences for young choirs. Repertoire includes standard classics, new and experimental projects.
- Celtic Voices
Celtic based composition and arrangements from diverse musical traditions, both ancient and modern, in Ireland, UK and Europe. Includes works for treble chorus and mixed chorus that encourage use in both the classroom and the concert hall.
- In Low Voice, Dr. Jonathan Reed, advisor
(Men’s Choir)
This series features an exciting and expressive repertoire for high school collegiate and community men’s choirs. Selected choral classics, serious contemporary works and world music repertoire for treble voice choirs of all levels and abilities.
- From the Podium
Doreen Rao's new signature series showcases multi-movement works recommended for amateur and professional performance.
Video and Film
- On Location with Doreen Rao and the Glen Ellyn Children’s Chorus. American Choral Director’s Association ACDA), On Location Series, Volume 1, 1987. Oklahoma City, USA.
- Doreen Rao and the Choral Music Experience Institute Concerts. Available through Access to Artistry, Bill Perison, Box 221, Lantzville, B.C., V0R 2H0, Canada.
- The Oneness of Our Voices, Doreen Rao at the ACDA National Conference In Chicago, 1999. Available through Access to Artistry, Bill Perison, Box 221, Lantzville, B.C., V0R 2H0, Canada
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Works in Progress
- Leonard Bernstein, MASS (Choral Concert Version) Adapted and edited by Doreen Rao for soloists and choruses. Completed 2007.
- Doreen Rao, We Will Sing! Choral Music Experience for Classroom Choirs. A New Revised Version with CD ROM and New Performance Program. New York: Boosey & Hawkes.
- Doreen Rao, Conducting Education: The Mind-Body Connection. (Publisher TBA).
- Doreen Rao with Lori Anne Dolloff, Teaching and Learning in Musical Context. A Teacher’s Guide to Music Performance in Music Education (Publisher TBA).
- Doreen Rao, CME 123! Professional Development in Choral Teacher Education New York: Boosey & Hawkes.
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